Heather James–Suspense Blog Hop
This week I’m hosting Susan Sleeman with No Way Out (giveaway U.S. only), Heather James with Unholy Hunger (Heather is part of a blog hop I am participating in on May 15th–giveaway U.S. only), and Jennifer AlLee with Diamond in the Rough. On May 17-19th I will be participating in the Spring Christian Scavenger Hunt. I will be hosting MaryLu Tyndall with Forsaken Dreams on May 17th with opportunity to win one of my books in the Men of the Texas Rangers Series (Saving Hope, Shattered Silence and Scorned Justice). If you want to enter the drawings for the books, please leave a comment on one of the post during the week with your email address. I will not enter you without an email address (my way to contact you if you win). If you don’t want to...
This week Susan Sleeman, Heather James (blog hop), Jennifer AlLee and MaryLu Tyndall (Christian Scavenger Hunt)
Congratulations to bn100 for winning Pam Meyers’ Love Will Find a Way, to Kay for winning a gift from Amy Lillard, to Deevena for winning Erynn Mangum’s Paige Torn and to Martha for winning Lillian Duncan’s Deception. This week I’m hosting Susan Sleeman with No Way Out (giveaway U.S. only), Heather James with Unholy Hunger (Heather is part of a blog hop I am participating in on May 15th–giveaway U.S. only), and Jennifer AlLee with Diamond in the Rough. On May 17-19th I will be participating in the Spring Christian Scavenger Hunt. I will be hosting MaryLu Tyndall with Forsaken Dreams on May 17th with opportunity to win one of my books in the Men of the Texas Rangers Series (Saving Hope, Shattered Silence and Scorned Justice). If you...