Posts Tagged "In Defense of Love"

Excerpt from In Defense of Love by Margaret Daley

»Posted on Mar 13, 2014 in Book Excerpts | Comments Off on Excerpt from In Defense of Love by Margaret Daley

Excerpt from In Defense of Love by Margaret Daley Maggie Summers sank wearily onto the chair, placing her large, brown-framed glasses on her desk. Reports were neatly stacked on its polished surface, along with a batch of letters that had to be signed before she could leave on her vacation. Vacation! She wasn’t sure if she should call the next week’s trip a vacation. Why had she allowed Ruth to talk her into this—a bicycle tour through Virginia? Her work must really be getting to her. She was crazy. That was the only excuse she could come up with. Maggie took a resigned swallow of her cold coffee, then leaned forward and quickly signed her name on several sheets of paper. It was extremely important for her to generate the necessary support for next month’s battle...

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