Dumpster Dicing by Julie B. Cosgrove

» Posted on Aug 6, 2016 in Blog | Comments Off on Dumpster Dicing by Julie B. Cosgrove

Dumpster Dicing– new cozy mystery by award-winning author Julie B Cosgrove. http://amzn.to/21aW5Pa

The newest resident of Sunset Acres Plus 55 Community is found in the dumpster-diced. Can Janie and the Bunco Biddies solve the crime so her son-in-law, Chief Detective Johnson can go on vacation with his family?

Chief Detective Blake Johnson has no time for his family. His M-I-L, Janie, rallies the Bunco Biddies to solve the crime for him, whether he likes it or not.


Excerpt 1:

The community’s trash receptacle dangled at a precarious angle.

The senior citizens sputtered in unison. “Stop. There’s a body.”

The man shook his head in confusion.

Betsy Ann motioned to the back. “A body. Get it? Dead person.”

The man shut down the engine. “¿Muerto?”

“Yes. Uh, sí.” She bobbed her cropped, reddish-blonde hair.

The worker crawled down from his seat and walked to the back of the sanitation truck, which rumbled and spewed more putrid fumes. The dumpster titled down at a forty-five degree angle. Suspended in time clung numerous trash bags, pizza boxes, a broken lawn chair and…an arm?

Excerpt 2:

“Newman. Edwin Newman. He chewed out Mildred Fletcher because her Yorkie barked at him. Threw a coffee mug at the poor animal. Whack! Right on the nose. It left a raw, sore spot.”

“He did?”

Janie gave her a quick nod. “Mildred must apply a special salve on him three times a day. Says it cost her $22.95.”

“On Mr. Newman?”

Janie scoffed into her velour v-neck. “No, the Yorkie.”

Betsy Ann’s lips formed an “O.”

Janie pointed to the dumpster. “Mr. Newman’s in there all right.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Janie bent to Betsy Ann’s ear. “I see his head.”


Dumpster Dicing- new cozy mystery by award-winning author Julie B Cosgrove. http://amzn.to/21aW5Pa