This week I’m hosting Lena Nelson Dooley with Catherine’s Pursuit, Jeanette Windle with Congo Dawn, Pam Hillman with Claiming Mariah (no giveaway on this blog ), Vannetta Chapman with A Home for Lydia, and Angela Ruth Strong with Lighten Up. If you want to enter the drawings for the books, please leave a comment on one of the post during the week with your email address. I will not enter you without an email address (my way to contact you if you win). If you don’t want to leave an email address, another way you can enter is to email me at The drawings end Sunday (Feb. 24th) evening.
Interview with the hero from A Home for Lydia by Vannetta Chapman:
1. Aaron, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I’m a farmer, a gut farmer! Which is why I have to wonder what the Lord, and my parents, had in mind when they sent me to Wisconsin to manage my onkel’s cabins. I know nothing about that!
2. What do you do for fun?
Hunt and fish. Growing up in Indiana, it was always the right season for one or the other. I love being outdoors.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
I would have put off coming to Wisconsin, but my parents bought a bus ticket for me before I even knew about “the plan.”
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
Don’t suppose I’ve been afraid of much. Maybe I’m not old enough to know what should worry me. I’m only twenty-three. Now that I’m here, and I’ve met my nieces, I’m a little afraid that I will let them down. I’ve never been responsible for a family before. My father told me to do my best, and Gotte would see to the rest.
5. What do you want out of life?
That answer was simple a month ago–I wanted to farm, do it well, and help provide for my parents. Now, it’s more complicated. I want to go home, but I also want to do the right thing here. How am I supposed to do both?
6. What is the most important thing to you?
I want to say farming, but I know in my heart that isn’t true. Family is what’s important. Family and Gotte. Both are what Plain communities base our lives around.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
Nein. I read The Budget, because I want to learn more about farming. When you rise at 4:30, there’s not much energy left to read in the evening.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
There is this girl I’ve met–Lydia. She’s stubborn and willful and has a bit of a temper. Sometimes she makes me a little crazy, but other times she seems like the kind of girl who could be a guy’s best friend. If I could change something about myself it would be to understand my emotions, especially about Lydia, because they are all over the place right now.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
Do horses count? I have a couple of those back home. And we do have this stray cat that’s been hanging around the cabins. Lydia named him Pumpkin. Crazy name for a cat.
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
That’s the thing. I’m happy where I am right now. I wouldn’t go back to a time but to a place–back home to Indiana. But if I did that, if I could change things, I’d never have met my nieces or Lydia. How could I wish for that?