Cheryl Wyatt testimony/drawing

» Posted on Feb 26, 2008 in Blog | Comments Off on Cheryl Wyatt testimony/drawing

Leap Day Author:
If you want to win a copy of Cheryl’s Wyatt’s newest book, A Soldier’s Family, please let me know at or leave a message on the blog with your email address. The winner will be drawn Sunday evening, March 2nd.

Cheryl’s testimony:
I didn’t truly give my heart to Jesus until my mid-twenties. God pursued me with a stubborn relentless love and I finally stopped running. He magnified Himself to me in ways that left me no room to refute His love and mercy toward me. So, I prayed alone in my room one day and had an experience with God that left me with a sense of being rescued. The person of His presence (The Holy Spirit) became tangible and my life has never been the same. I’d been in a relationship that wasn’t safe or good and living a life that would have incinerated me had I kept down that road. I was also drawn to God through the profound kindness of Christians who loved me as I was and didn’t push an agenda other than to pray for me. Some of those people aren’t walking with God now and it breaks my heart beyond belief. I will not cease to pray for them until they give in to the God who loves them. God continues to grow me and I want everything in my life to honor Him. He deals with me in kindness and humor, and knows the things I care about. He has made promises that have altered my outlook on life, and He sustains me through hard times. In short, I’m flat-out crazy about Him and hope I never forget His goodness and grace toward me and my family.

A Soldier’s Promise…I wrote that to honor two friends who lost daughters to cancer. I remember thinking as I watched those two women living every mother’s nightmare, how brave their little girls were during valiant battles with leukemia. If courage could cure cancer, those two girls’ fight and faith alone would have irradicated it from the earth. Promise is my tribute to the girls and their families, who miss them terribly. I hope my book will infuse people with hope no matter what their struggles are.

A Soldier’s Family…This book was birthed out of a very difficult time in my life following an injury that went undiagnosed/wrongly diagnosed for almost two years. I was in constant, excruciating pain that shook everything in my life except for my faith. Every relationship around me was strained and I could hardly function without God’s help due to outlandish pain. It altered my personality and doctors weren’t giving me medication or believing how bad I hurt because I’m not a complainer. When I admit I’m hurting, then I’m nearly dead. I guess because I didn’t roll around on the doctors’ office floor wailing and screeching, they didn’t understand the gravity and severity of my pain…even though I told them I was losing my mind and possibly my marriage over it. FINALLY, one doctor does more tests and realizes they’d missed something really big. No I didn’t pursue litigation because I God said, “Absolutely not.” And I didn’t wanna get squashed. Secondly because I was so thankful it could be repaired surgically that I couldn’t bring myself to be vindictive. So I had reconstructive surgery and intense physical therapy. From beginning to off wheelchair/walker was just under three years.

A Soldier’s Family was my outlet for pain and recovery. I took all my physical therapy woes out on my hero, Manny. LOL! So writing the book was therapeutic. That hard season taught me that I was safe in suffering however because God sustained me. I knew that He knew how bad I was hurting even though no one else truly understood. It gave me a compassion for people who live with chronic pain. One thing that time did in my life was Velcroe me to God because I literally needed His help with every step.

A Soldier’s Family was a way to vent the frustration of my pain in a positive way. There’s much, much more to the story than that, but as far as why I wrote it…that’s it.
