Merry Christmas

» Posted on Dec 22, 2007 in Blog | Comments Off on Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

I love saying that. It reminds me why we celebrate Christmas—the birth of Jesus, our Savior. In all the hustle and bustle of the season, take a moment to thank God for the gift of His Son for our salvation. This is the season for hope and love—for giving and sharing because that is what Christ stands for. He is our hope. He gave His life for us. You can’t ask for anything better than that.

So tell everyone Merry Christmas and think of Jesus coming into this world all those years ago. I love to hear my granddaughter say, “We celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas.”

This is a time to get with family and friends and share our love of Christ. The photo is a picture of myself (in red sweater kneeling in front) with my bridge group. We have been together over twenty years.

What does Christmas mean to you?