The winner of Trish Perry’s book was Teresa. Congratulations!!
Tomorrow I will be drawing the winner of Larkspur Dreams.
This week a Carnival of Christian Writers will be going on at Writer’s Interrupted. Check it out. This is a great blog site. I blog about writing once a month on it.
Yesterday I went to Oklahoma City for a bookseller/librarian reception. It was great! The only problem was that Laura and I were driving together and we always seem to get lost. Now I’ve been to Oklahoma City many times as well as Laura, but somehow we managed to get lost coming home. We ended up on I-40 (and I still don’t know how that happened) instead of I-44. We took a not so brief tour of some small towns in central Oklahoma. I was almost an hour late gettting home. I had to laugh. We applied for Amazing Race and I’m thankful we didn’t get accepted. Laura and I would have ended up in the wrong country the first leg of the race.
This week Irene Brand is my guest author. I will be posting an interview on Wednesday. I’m having a drawing for her April Heartsong book. The drawing will close next Sunday night. Email me at if you want to enter Irene Brand’s drawing for Broken Bow.