I will be posting another interview this week at the end by Amy Wallace. Please visit her web site and see how she juggles family and writing–oh, and also her love of chocolate. Her first book, Ransomed Dreams will be out this month. It is the first part of a three book series, Defenders of Hope. I love romantic suspense books, and if you do, you will want your name in a drawing for her book. Please email me if you want to be included in her drawing for Ransomed Dreams (Mdaley50@aol.com). The drawing will end next Thursday night.
Talking about favorite kinds of books, what is your favorite kind to read? Mine is suspense and adventure because that is so far removed from my real life. When I read I want to be transported to another place. And because I’m a romantic, I want a romance thrown in to spice up the story. Love is what makes the world go around. So many great stories have a romance thread in them because we want to read about two people finding their soul mate.