Getting a 100 is usually a good thing until it means that your daily temperature will be at least that if not higher. Summer has definitely hit Oklahoma.
Next week I will be going to Atlanta for the national conference for RWA (Romance Writers of America). As usual, I’m excited. I haven’t been to Atlanta since I was in college and we came down from Nashville. A lot of people I knew at Vanderbilt were from Atlanta. My aunt lives there so I get to see her!
At the conference the Faith, Hope and Love will have a mini-conference concentrating on inspirational romances. I will be speaking about Interweaving Faith into a Story. Then later on Wednesday, July 26th, from 5:30-8:30 there will be a BIG booksigning at the Marriott downtown (on Peachtree). There will be tons of romance writers there signing. The money goes for literacy. If anyone knows of something exciting to see in Atlanta, please let me know. I have a day and a half for sightseeing.
In August I will be teaching an online class about writing the inspirational romance from the beginning to the end. You can sign up at (sorry I still haven’t figured out how to link to the web site). I will take the writer through the whole process.
The best news is that in three weeks my son will be married!!!!!
The not so good news (since that means summer is over and back to the real world) is that I will be going back to school (teaching) in four weeks.