I just finished printing out about a hundred pages from an online class about how to disappear. Research as a writer can prove to be very interesting. I have such titles on my bookshelf as Murder One, Scene of the Crime, Deadly Doses, Just the Facts, Ma’am and many more. In some of my books I don’t have to research too much while others require a lot. I have learned about the rain forest, hostage situations and how to deal with them, weapons, different disabilities, bullying–just to name a few. It is important to do the research–even if you choose to ignore a certain bit of information for your storyline. Sometimes a writer will take liberties with a subject in order to make her story work or be more exciting. I do think when you do it should be noted for the reader. When I read a book, I like to get new information about a career or a period in history that I didn’t know. It makes it seem I’m learning something while I’m reading for pleasure.