First, there is a good chance it will snow tonight and tomorrow. Of course, we’ve had that forecast before and had nothing. But my students at school were excited and were hoping today to be out of school tomorrow. I’ll let you know what really happened. Predicting weather in Oklahoma is awfully hard to do. I wouldn’t want to be a weather woman here.
My writing tip for today is learn when to give up on a project and move on to a new one. I have heard of writers working on the same book for years–polishing and then polishing it again and again. Learn to let it go. Yes, you want to send off the best project you can, but nothing is perfect. And what is perfect in one person’s mind, may not be perfect in another’s. So pry those fingers off the manuscript and put it in the mail to a publisher. Who knows? You may receive THE CALL. If you don’t ever mail it, you definitely won’t receive THE CALL. That’s a guarantee.