Every New Year I think of it as a new beginning, but really every day is a new beginning. A chance to do what I need to do. Put the old behind me and move forward. Although I don’t make New Year resolutions, I do set goals for myself and try to strive toward them. I especially have to as a writer with deadlines to meet. If I didn’t, I would be a week away from a book being due and not have anything written. I’ve heard of writers who can write eight, nine or ten thousands words in a day. I’m not one of them. My brain doesn’t work that way, even when I know exactly what I want to write. So goals are important in my life, but at the same time I need to remain flexible. If I don’t, I get very stressed. Instead of having a daily word count I need to write, I have a weekly one so if I need to do something one day that isn’t writing related, I can make it up another day and not feel like I made my goal.
I wish everyone a blessed 2012. I hope all your dreams and goals come true. I also want to thank you for reading my blog. I have some amazing authors coming up this year on the blog with all kinds of different books. Come back each week and see who I’m hosting.