I had to share my good news with you all. I am a finalist in the short inspirational category of the Holt Medallion Contest with Light in the Storm.
How do you all like my new look? Heather Tipton did a great job. I wanted something to reflect me–hot pink and flamingoes. My office has hot pink walls and I have a lot of flamingoes around it, including a huge one that sits in the corner. She’s called Flo.
Starting a book is an exciting time and a scary time. I know who my characters are, their goals and conflicts and I know the first scene. Other than that, I’m clueless what is going to happen. But this weekend I’m going to plunge into that first scene and see where it goes. How do you start a book? Do you just plunge in and write? Do you live with your characters for a while? Do you write character sketches? I’ve already discussed plotting techniques.
But the start of a book is so important. How do you decide where to start one? I usually start in the middle of a situation that brings the hero and heroine together. In Hearts of the Amazon, January 2007, Love Inspired Suspense, I started with the heroine going into a bar to find a guide to lead her into the Amazon. She’d never been in a bar and couldn’t believe she was doing it, but she was desperate to find her brother who was lost in the jungle.
This is a new series I’m writing about three foster brothers who start a mentoring program for troubled teens (like they were). As a teacher of teens I’ve seen so much. I’ve seen some good hearted kids head down the wrong path because they didn’t have anyone to take them under his/her wing. To believe in them. But that subject could be a whole another blog.